Social & Networking Community Friday Bar 5. apr 2024 - Univate Njalsgade You can already look forward to the first Friday in April, where there is a Friday Bar at Univate 🎉🎉 Challenge your neighbours in ‘Cards Against Humanity’, ‘What do you Meme’ or another game – or just catch up and chat about your Easter holidays, latest adventures or something completely else! Rune and Marianne will make sure that the kegerator is ready to serve beer, the wine bottles are opened and the sodas are cold 🍷🍺 We are looking forward to seeing you 🌟 Eventdetaljer Status Afholdes som planlagt Dato og tid 5. apr 2024, 15:30 - 18:00 Tilføj til min kalender (.ical) Arrangør Symbion Pris 0 kr. eks. moms Sted Univate Njalsgade, Common Area, third floor Njalsgade 76 2300 København S