Social & Networking

Community Friday Bar

3. feb 2023 - Univate

Come and start off the weekend with your colleagues and the rest of the Univate Community.

Rune and Neel will be behind – and in front of – the bar to the February Community Bar at Univate. Everybody is welcome and, as always, it is free to attend the networking events for everyone in the Symbion Community. You do not need to sign up – just join in!

We look forward to seeing you!

Neel Hein Bertelsen

Senest redigeret: 23. januar 2023


  • Status Afholdes som planlagt
  • Dato og tid
  • Arrangør Symbion
  • Pris 0 kr. eks. moms
  • Sted Univate, Third floor - common area
    Njalsgade 76
    2300 København S

Danmarks største startup miljø.

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