Business & professional

International Team Communication – Invisible boundaries when working across cultures

6. feb 2025 - Symbion Østerbro

Registration closed. FULLY BOOKED!

Symbion has teamed up with teqHub Copenhagen to host an event about International Team Communication.

Join us for social gatherings where we engage in discussions about the latest industry trends in electronic development, and connect with like-minded enthusiasts in the tech field. Whether you’re an experienced professional or just starting out, this group is the perfect place to network, learn, and have fun with people who share your passion for all things tech-related.

Communicating with team members from other countries can really be a challenge! What seems abundantly clear to you may be shrouded in mystery to your fellow colleagues from around the world.

The first step in overcoming these barriers is recognizing them, and this is the topic of this event.

About the Speakers:

Kai Harrekilde has lived and worked in five different countries in the electronics industry and has experienced personally how complicated communication across multi-cultural teams can be!

Jakob Jensen is an experienced and accomplice Scrum master and Agile coach who has worked in numerous international teams and therefore knows how badly poor communication can derail any project. He also knows a thing or two about how to get things back on track.

Free event! Registration required as we have limited number of seats.

Marianne Kirkeby Bateson

Marianne Kirkeby Bateson

Senest redigeret: 4. februar 2025

  • 17:00 -


  • 17:15 -

    Welcome and introduction to teqHub and to Symbion

  • 17:35 -

    Check-in – a small exercise

  • 17:45 -

    Talk no. 1: International Team Communication - Invisible boundaries when working across cultures by Kai Harrekilde

    Have you ever been frustrated by difficult communication with people from a different culture? You're not alone! In this talk we'll explore cultural communication differences using the Culture Map and how you can set yourself up for better communication.
  • 18:45 -

    Break and light refreshments

  • 19:15 -

    Talk no. 2: Culture in practice by Jakob Jensen

    What are the cultural challenges we encounter in the real world?! Let’s experiment through some practical exercises to illuminate the communicative challenges in culture and how to address it.
  • 20:00 -

    Q&A - summing up and networking - and maybe a surprise

  • 21:00 -

    Lights out

  • -


  • Status Afholdes som planlagt
  • Dato og tid
  • Arrangør Symbion / teqHUB
  • Pris 0 kr. eks. moms
  • Sted Symbion Østerbro, K2
    Fruebjergvej 3

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